The code which produces the above is:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Squash</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT"> <!--Variable initalization--> presents=new Image(); presents.src="rem.gif"; presents=new Image(); presents.src="newadventures.gif"; var pwhratio = 164/53; //ratio of width to height for REM image var nwhratio = 400/53; //ratio of width to height for NewAdventures image var increment = 8; var step = 24; // number of increments required to grow to full size (188 / 4) var i = 0; var x; var startH = 0; //starting width for the image var endH = 188; var squashedL; var squashedW; function init() { //Seq("seq").at(0.500, "doTrans(logo)"); Seq("seq").at(0.900, ""); Seq("seq").at(3.500, ""); //Seq("seq").at(5.00, "doTrans(subscribe)"); Seq("seq").Play(); } <!--Squash Function for REM logo--> function squashPres() { //original width = 164 presents=document.all('presents'); = (presents.origW - (increment * i)); presents.origH; if (i < 14) { i++; setTimeout ('squashPres();',2); } else { i=0; squashedW = presents.width; expandPres(); } } <!--Expand Back function for REM logo--> function expandPres() { presents=document.all('presents'); = (squashedW + (increment * i)); presents.origH; if (i < 14) { i++; setTimeout ('expandPres();',2); } else { i=0; = presents.origW; } } </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT FOR=remPath Event=onstop LANGUAGE="JSCRIPT"> squashPres(); </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY onload="init()" BGCOLOR="Black"> <!--Sequencing Object--> <OBJECT ID="Seq" CLASSID="CLSID:B0A6BAE2-AAF0-11d0-A152-00A0C908DB96"> </OBJECT> <!--REM path object--> <OBJECT ID="remPath" CLASSID = "CLSID:D7A7D7C3-D47F-11D0-89D3-00A0C90833E6"> <PARAM NAME="AutoStart" VALUE="0"> <PARAM NAME="Bounce" VALUE="0"> <PARAM NAME="Duration" VALUE="1.0"> <PARAM NAME="Shape" VALUE="Polyline(2, 700,100, 252,100)"> <PARAM NAME="Target" VALUE="presents"> </OBJECT> <!--New Adventures Path Object--> <OBJECT ID="advenPath" CLASSID = "CLSID:D7A7D7C3-D47F-11D0-89D3-00A0C90833E6"> <PARAM NAME="AutoStart" VALUE="0"> <PARAM NAME="Bounce" VALUE="0"> <PARAM NAME="Duration" VALUE="1.0"> <PARAM NAME="Shape" VALUE="Polyline(2, 700,150, 135,150)"> <PARAM NAME="Target" VALUE="newadven"> </OBJECT> <DIV ID="wholething" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0"> <IMG ID="presents" SRC="rem.gif" STYLE="position:absolute;top:100;left:700;visibility:visible" origW=164 origH=53 origL=270> <IMG ID="newadven" SRC="newadventures.gif" STYLE="position:absolute;top:150;left:700;visibility:visible" origW=400 origH=53 origL=270 BORDER=0> </DIV> </BODY> </HTML>