The code which produces the above is:

#text {
POSITION: absolute;
WIDTH: 420px;
LEFT: 250px;
TOP: 20px;}


<div id="text">
This active X object is encased in a table to leave some room around the edges.<p>
It pulls from a file called text.htm in the same folder.<p>

Here are all the Parameters:<p>

ScrollStyleX: Sets the horizontal scroll style. Valid values are Bounce and Circular (default). 
ScrollStyleY: Sets the vertical scroll style. Valid values are Bounce and Circular (default). 
ScrollDelay: Sets the time in milliseconds between each movement of the URL in the marquee 
Valid values are positive integers. Default is 100. 
LoopsX: Sets the number of times the image scrolls horizontally if ScrollStyleX is Circular, 
or sets the number of times the image bounces if ScrollStyleX is Bounce. Valid values are 
integers above or equal to -1. Zero indicates that a horizontal slide is to occur, -1 indicates 
that the image will never stop (infinite). The default is -1 (infinite). 
LoopsY: Sets the number of times the image scrolls vertically if ScrollStyleY is Circular, 
or sets the number of times the image bounces if ScrollStyleY is Bounce. Valid values are 
integers above or equal to -1. Zero indicates that a vertical slide is to occur, -1 indicates 
that the image will never stop (infinite). The default is -1 (infinite). 
ScrollPixelsX: Sets the number of pixels to move the URL horizontally in the marquee window 
each ScrollDelay milliseconds. Valid values are integers. The default is 75 pixels. 
ScrollPixelsY: Vertical counterpart of ScrollPixelX, except that the default is zero. 
szURL: Sets the URL to scroll. 
DrawImmediately: Determines whether you want to progressively render the URLs. Valid values 
are 1 (true) or 0 (false). The default is 1. 
Whitespace: Sets the whitespace between URLs and/or tiled images. Valid values are non-negative 
integers. The default is zero. 
PageFlippingOn: Determines whether the marquee will flip between multiple URLs (instead of 
creating one scrolling image) when the user presses the right mouse button or via the 
put_CurrentURL automation function. Valid values are 1 (true) or 0 (false). The default is 0. 
Zoom: Sets the percentage of the original size you want the scrolling URLs to be. Valid 
values are positive integers. The default is 100. 
WidthOfPage: Sets the width, in pixels, used to format the text of the URL. Valid values 
are positive integers. The default is 640. 


	<IMG SRC="whatsup.gif" ALT="What's Up" WIDTH="200" HEIGHT="27">

	<OBJECT ID="Marquee1" CLASSID="CLSID:1A4DA620-6217-11CF-BE62-0080C72EDD2D"
	<PARAM NAME="szURL" VALUE="text.html">
	<!--control direction-->
	<PARAM NAME="ScrollPixelsX" VALUE="0">
	<PARAM NAME="ScrollPixelsY" VALUE="-2">
	<!--Controls Speed-->
	<PARAM NAME="ScrollDelay" VALUE="50">
	<!-- I have no idea what these next two do?-->
	<!--<PARAM NAME="_ExtentX" VALUE="40">
    <PARAM NAME="_ExtentY" VALUE="50">-->
	<!--These two make the scroll reverse direction-->
	<!--<PARAM NAME="ScrollStyleX" VALUE="Bounce">
	<PARAM NAME="ScrollStyleY" VALUE="Bounce">-->
	<PARAM NAME="Whitespace" VALUE="0">
	<PARAM NAME="WidthofPage" VALUE="220">

<!-- END floating frames marquee -->